Monday, August 16, 2010

Japan's Politic


Japan is like Thailand that had changed president for many time, but reasons of changed are different. In Japan, many of presidents down from office by themself unlike in Thailand that down from office by revolution. Many of politicians in Japan killed themselves because of guilty by corruption. For example, in 2006, the minister of agriculture was suicide by hanging in his apartment. The reason that made him suicide is corruption, and he can't cope a pressure from madia and population. In Japan, corruption is very shameful, and not be forgiven. I felt weired when I knew this news because corruption by politicians in Thailand is almost be a normal things for Thai people. I don't like that idea because I need Thai politicians have more conscious mind. However, I don't mean that the way to solve problems is suicide, I mean people need to solve it by themselves, and have more responsible. The believe in Japanese is they are son of the sun. If they died today, they will reborn tomorrow. It is a meaning of they flag.

Presidents of Japan must take very long time to get reliability from population, and they have to prosit well. They must ready to down from office any time, if their national dislike, or distrust them. Japan never has civil war like Thailand that always has civil war. However, it's the same of every people in the world that feel bored from politic, beautiful policies are different from real handle.

credit : News on TV.

Japan's Politic


In Japan, it has a lot of poor people. Japan is one of the rear countries that don't have beggar but in the research which from Japan Government survay said that one of six of Japanese people are
poor. They never beg people for money but they prefer not to eat some days. It's going to be more worse when America has Hamberger Crisis. Many people in Japan lost their job, so now in Japan a lot of people are homeless. The cause of homeless problem is from over population (my blog about environment.) When in country have too many people, cost of the area is higher. That why many people don't have a money to pay for their house. Most of homeless is grandsire because office want to keep only young people to work for them, young people can work harder and longer, and the most important thing that their don't have to worried about health benefit. Another reason is, when family has problems about finance, they choose to cut some member in family for cut expenditure, and they are always choosing grandsire. That why, most of homeless are very old. I am very sad about it. Japan is the third of developed countries that have poor people. Number one is Mexico and second is USA. Maybe, the word "developed country" is not a word to called countries that have happy population. Maybe, people in developed countries have many sad population more than developing countries. In Thailand, we have a thousand of beggar but lucky for homeless in Thailand. They don't have to fight with a cold weather that could kill them by freezing.

Japan's Business


Have you ever wonder, how the small area country like Japan become a mighty country in economic world? If we contrast Japan and America, we can find many different of both country. Such as , population, area, and resource. How Japan saint many of powerful countries like UK, Germany, France, etc and become number three that vice from only America and Chaina? The most important reason is about people in Japan. Every country in the world confident if they working with Japanese company because they never default, products are good, and have reasonable price. About people, they never late and very polite. It made people who work with them comfort and want to do business with them. Producta from Japan also have good qualities and beautiful. In another thing is when products have problems they agree to loss benefit and recall goods if that goods are not in quality. For example, Toyota and Honda recalled their cars because of the quality of the cars.

Another thing that I feel positive with companies in Japan is they prefer to get lower salary than sack someone out. They agree together and work like a team-work. It's makr me feel impressed with Japanese companies. I am not surprised at all that Japan is on Top 3 of the world because they population are full of qualities and imposing.

credit : news paper, news on TV.

Japan's Business

Japan Packaging Trends.

we all know about how famouse of Japan packaging. In Japan, they are supporting about package because it can use to develop their country or even the world. Their has a Packaging Contest every year and I had found many of creative packaging.

This packaging is made from thin film that made for protect vulnerable things. It's very useful and full of creative. It's my favorite one because I like the way to use it. Unlike in Thailand, mostof our packaging are very boring and don't have creative at all. Japan knows how important of packaging and advertising in business, so they can invest a lot of money to create new beautiful packaging all the time. Many of them are safe to our world. For example, plastic bottles that produce gas CO2 only 1kg per each. Name of the production is GEORGIA GREEN PLANET CAFÉ AU LAIT. It's very interesting that maketer and advertiser use the feeling of doing good think to sale the product.

credit :

Japan's Environment


Tokyo, Japan is well-known that has over-population problems. Because in Tokyo, there is the one of most famouse cities in the world. There are a centre of economic of Japan. That made Japan's government need policies to distribute populartion in the city. For example, teachers in countryside are get income more than teachers in the city, not only teacher but politician also. I don't surprised that Tokyo got this problems because Tokyo has not much area but people who want to live and visit Tokyo are a lot. You can see that Japanese house is very small, if you are not very rich. Many of shops and bars have a very small area and most of shops are stay in the same building. In the other hand, it make architecture in Japan became well-known in Space-efficient. Most of forniture in Japan can apply many ways. I think over-population problem in Tokyo should be solve as fast as possible because it's mean more expensive of restsident, and that means more home-less.

credit : NEWS on TV.

Japan's Environment


Ministry of Environment in Japan is planing to invest money to many project that mention on reduce CO2 in Asia. In Asia, we have released tons of CO2 every day. Many of undeveloped countries don't have abilities to continue project about protect the world because their don't even don't have money to protect them self. In Japan, they don't have to invest money to the army because they don't have their own army. American is supporting Japan since World War II because American afaird to have war with Japan again like second World War. For this reason, it made Japan have a lot of money to improve another way for country such as economic, and environment. I think humen is silly. I think army and weapons is unnecessary ,and I think we should care about environment more than kill each other for personal benefit. But I know that impossible, for more than 1000 years, humen can't stop kill each other. It's just a beautiful imagination that I want to see.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Japan's Science and Technology

In japan, about 40% of whole country have dogs. It's a lot, and dogs are become part of family, not just stay at home anymore. Many of doglover must interested this thing. It's called Bowlingual. It's developed by Japanese toy company, Takara, and first sold in 2002 in Japan. This invention was got Nobel Prize for "promoting peace and harmony between the species."
When your dog is make some noise or bark, the feeling of dog will show in the screan. It's easy to understood and we can respond our lovely dog in more suitable way. I am the one who have dog. I think this invention is very interesting and attractive. It's easy to use and can developed more. This invention make me thinking to "UP" that dogs in this story can talk because special collar. I though that only an imegination but not anymore. I want to have one to but I worried about something. I think my dog might annoyed this collar because it quite big and my dog might don't like it. I think someone who live with their dog for a long time must understood their dogs by just eyes contact.